For anyone who's ever had a coach in their corner

During a boxing match or on the sidelines during a soccer game, they know that the term “coach” barely scratches the surface when describing the role they play in our lives.

Ray Arcel, Legendary Boxing Coach

“I never considered myself a trainer; I considered myself a teacher.”

As a business owner, you go to battle every day to put food on the table for your family, employees, and countless others relying on you.

This isn’t a hobby for you, it’s a way of life, and the path you’ve chosen isn't for the faint of heart.

The stakes are high and the difference between winning and losing comes down to having the right coach in your corner. You don’t need more bullshit business advice, you need an acceleration coach. 

At a certain point, successful entrepreneurs like yourself, decide to level up and seek out transformative coaching from organizations like EOS, Strategic Coach, E-Myth, and others.

As much as we love the foundation these organizations have set, we are not the same. 

Terms such as business coach or “(insert framework) implementer/facilitator” are too limiting for us. 

For anyone who's ever had a coach in their corner during a boxing match or on the sidelines during a soccer game, they know that the term “coach” barely scratches the surface when describing the role they play in our lives. 

Coaches provide inspiration, accountability, parental advice, you name it. They epitomize the term Jack of all trades. Great coaches consistently step up to the plate and embrace their responsibility to help you and your team reach its potential, becoming whoever they need to be in order to help you win.  

At Flawless Acceleration, we’re blending the old school with the new school, reintroducing a new type of coaching, in your chosen field of play, business, but also extending it into your personal life, because if you win at business and fail at home, that makes you a loser. 

Our goal is to keep you sharp in business, present at home, and not huffing and puffing every time you walk up a flight of stairs. 

We aren’t life coaches or business coaches, we’re Acceleration Coaches, and we’re going to consistently push you to operate at the edge of your own competency and keep you accountable.

We'll be with you every step of the way, as long as you’re coachable. 

This ain’t your daddy’s coaching organization, we don’t hang out at the local Holiday Inn, drinking stale coffee and telling each other how great we are.  We’re elite, but we’re not elitists. 

Every time we jump on a call, meet in person, or introduce a new tool, the goal is to get shit done and provide acceleration.

“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”

— Vince Lombardi, Legendary NFL Coach